Things to know on how apply for firearms licence permit in NSW (New South Wales)

In New South Wales there are a few different types of gun licences and permits one can apply for.²

  1. Individual
  2. Business, club or government agency
  3. Security firearms licence
  4. Dealer licence
  5. Minor permit

Applying for a gun licence in New South Wales

This is what you need to do to apply for an individual firearm licence in NSW.³

Step One: Complete the online application

Login to your MyServiceNSW Account to fill out and submit your application. During the process you’ll need to provide the following documents and information.

  • Proof of identity document (e.g passport, drivers licence, Medicare card)
  • Documentation supporting that you have a genuine reason
  • Firearms safety training certificate, previously held firearms licence number or current interstate firearms licence
  • Evidence of your special need if applying for a licence above category A
  • Card details to pay the application fee

In New South Wales there are eight genuine reasons for having a firearm. As mentioned, you’ll need to provide documentation during the application process that supports your reason.²

If you need to submit a firearms safety training certificate you’ll have to do the course before completing the application. You can contact your local shooting club, Firearm Safety & Training or the Sports Shooting Association of Australia (SSAA) to organise this.

Step Two: Wait for processing

Once you’ve submitted your application it will be reviewed by the Firearms Registry NSW.³ In the meantime, you’ll get an email with information on how to log into the NSW Firearms Registry Customer Portal where you’ll be able to track your application.

Keep in mind that if it is a new application there is a 28 day waiting period from the date of submission before the licence can be issued.

Step Three: After the firearms application is approved

If your application is approved by the Firearms Registry you’ll be sent a photograph advice letter directing you to go to a Service NSW Centre and have your photo taken before the letter expires (60 days). When you go in to complete this final step, make sure you take the letter and 100 points of ID. 

Types of gun licence in New South Wales

In New South Wales there are seven categories of firearm available to licence holders.⁴

  • Category A: Includes air rifle, some rimfire rifles, some shotguns
  • Category B: Includes some lever-action shotguns, some centre-fire and muzzle-loading rifles
  • Category C: Includes some pump-action shotguns, some self-loading rifles
  • Category D: Includes some lever-action and pump-action shotguns, some self-loading rifles
  • Category H: Pistols
  • Firearms Collector
  • Firearms Dealer

How much a New South Wales gun licence costs in 2023

Here’s what it generally costs to apply for and maintain a gun licence in New South Wales.

  • $200 for a five year licence
  • $100 for a two year licence

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